Fully Managed Sift Monitor – Reliable insights from the Bitbloom experts

Bitbloom believes that organizations and projects all have their own unique challenges. This is why we designed adaptable software and services, which help experts across the world develop their own unique approach to solving problems posed by wind farm operations. But we also recognize that not every organization has the time or technical resources available to build this analysis capability. Sometimes, all you really want is a quick route to dependable asset monitoring. If you are in this position, Fully Managed Sift Monitor is here to help.

Our team of expert analysts is available to build a standard set of analyses (collected from decades of operational data analytics experience), and to load Sift Monitor up with all the insight you need into how your assets are performing. We will use our extensive domain expertise to translate your data into manageable actions. Our standard analysis package includes critical monitoring aspects, such as:

  • Data quality verification and repair (including automatic re-calibration of nacelle direction north calibration)

  • Time-based and energy-based availability

  • Turbine controller consistency

  • Aerodynamic performance

  • Quantification of energy losses

  • Component temperature monitoring

  • Vibration and oscillation

Sift Monitor provides a rich user interface for viewing these data, as well as alerts to keep you on top of things. Alternatively, if you have already invested in data infrastructure, Sift Monitor can push results directly to any existing system, letting your insights surface exactly where you need them.

Fully Managed Sift Monitor is all about distilling value from your operational data. This is achieved with robust metrics that highlight outliers and atypical conditions. Ultimately, Fully Managed Sift Monitor’s rigorous analytics give you the confidence to make informed decisions and take decisive action. We are right there with you, helping you to formulate and prioritise actions, and providing the body of evidence required to ensure buy-in from your technical service provider.


Fully Managed Sift Monitor’s rigorous analytics give you the confidence to make informed decisions and take decisive action


When you are ready, our team is available to expand our standard analysis offerings with a range of advanced analytics, all automated to give you reliable up-to-date insight, including:

  • Fully automated long-term energy yield predictions

  • Fatigue and lifetime consumption using Damage Prospector

  • Powercurve performance test mimics

  • Detection of static yaw misalignment

  • Verification of curtailment strategy implementation

  • …and much more

We know that keeping a handle on costs is important to you, so Fully Managed Sift Monitor is provided at a low fixed price, tied to the volume of connected capacity, with no surprises.

Contact us now to arrange a demo and quote for your organization.

NewsMichael Tinning