Posts in News
Founder Q&A - Philip Bradstock

Philip is an experienced developer of scientific software and algorithms. With a robust knowledge of engineering maths, physics and scientific programming, Philip now takes the lead in the algorithms and numerical methods that lie behind Bitbloom’s systems and services, ensuring they are based on rigorous scientific principles.

As co-founder, Philip has been essential in driving the workplace behind Bitbloom, emphasizing the importance of creating a Bitbloom home and work culture where we collectively feel valued and are inspired to do our best work and build meaningful collaboration. Here he shares some of his thoughts.

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NewsSophie Kromholz
Bitbloom Launches New Brand

We started our journey at Bitbloom a little over 4 years ago with a mission to revolutionise renewable energy performance analysis and monitoring with innovative digital solutions. Today, we are unveiling a new look for Bitbloom that matches the boldness of our vision.

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NewsMichael Tinning
Founder Q&A - Michael Tinning

Michael is a software engineer and a stubborn optimist, who believes in the profound and transformative power of people and technology to build a brighter future.

As co-founder, Michael is now leading a fast-growing success story. We’ve persuaded him to take some time out and share insights on his professional journey so far.

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NewsSophie Kromholz