A few months back Bitbloom launched Sift Monitor, with its wealth of features intended to automate your analytics pipelines. Ultimately, we want to help connect everyone in your organisation (from control room operators, to analysts and asset managers) to key insights gained from Sift Monitor’s rich analytics offer, and to keep everyone updated through extensive automation.
The amount of information available concerning an operating asset’s performance, can be overwhelming – data quality, availability statistics, underperformance related to yaw misalignment, pitch imbalance and controller changes, energy losses, health indicators related to vibrations and temperature increases, and on and on… With this much information available in the analytics ‘haystack’, how can stakeholders be sure they will find the most important ‘needle’ of data?
Sift Monitor Alerts is a part of the answer. It now provides a richly intuitive interface for configuring alerts, for all your analytics. First, your team of expert analysts determines what analysis are required and what the key value thresholds for further action are. Once the results of your analyses have been updated, Sift Monitor Alerts generates automatic alerts that are surfaced within Sift Monitor, so that the whole team can view them and take appropriate action.
Alerts also make it possible to gain an at-a-glance health assessment of your portfolio. Sift Monitor’s central dashboard provides a summary of all alerts currently active across your portfolio, placing your analysts’ outputs within reach of all your stakeholders. In combination with Sift, which promotes innovation and using data in new ways, your organisation can now leverage the value of its wind data experts like never before.
An Instant Success
Bitbloom is already making extensive use of the Alerts feature across the portfolio of wind farms it has deployed on Sift Monitor. One particular success story follows.
Shortly after configuring Alerts for a client’s portfolio, our automated analytics carried out an assessment of gearbox temperatures (find out more about one of the ways we do this here), one of many system health indicators. The assessment showed that the bearing temperature was increasing relative to expectations, given the operating and environmental conditions. This triggered an alert, which was instantly fed back to the client, that a turbine was potentially beginning to show signs of damage – an issue that could have incurred great expense, if allowed to develop further. Following manual verification of the temperature anomaly, physical inspection is now being organised. The Bitbloom team anticipates further success and cost savings for our clients, all thanks to Sift Monitor Alerts.
The team is currently hard at work on a number of enhancements to the Alerts system, including improved navigation for large portfolios with a high number of alerts, improved alert lifecycle management, and enhanced collaboration features. Follow us on LinkedIn or keep an eye on the Bitbloom blog over the coming months to find out more.
If you want to arrange a demo, or just talk about all things wind energy, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at hello@bitbloom.tech.