Make Perfect Sense of Your Data

  • Bolster your monthly reports with deep insight.

  • Break the back of post-construction long-term yield analysis.

  • Develop, test and verify failure prognostics methods.

  • Inform optimisation strategies, verify corrective action.

  • Quality assure your data; detect and diagnose operating issues.

  • Track power curve, pitch and speed/torque control strategies.

  • Verify nacelle anemometry inconsistencies.

  • Create reference power curves, quantify energy losses.

  • Perform power curve performance test calculations.

  • Do it all for hundreds of turbines. Do it for decades of data. And do it instantly.


Wind turbine SCADA systems produce vast quantities of dark data, data that organisations collect, process, and store during regular business activities but generally fail to use for other purposes. We use Sift to shine a light on this dark data, to reveal the underlying performance of turbines, projects, and portfolios.



Everoze is now able to provide detailed independent performance analyses in the short timescales imposed by the technical due diligence processes. It’s a great tool!


Empowering Analysts To Ask Better

Sift empowers users to ask better; to ask smarter, deeper, and faster to meet their organisation’s unique asset optimisation and revenue goals.

  • Flexibility to support your ingenuity: other tools are built on assumptions about your assets and your goals. This approach can be efficient, but also constricting and overly-rigid. We believe in-house experts should be empowered, not led, so we built Sift around better questions, not prescribed answers.

  • Glass-box technology: Sift doesn’t hide its workings away in a black-box tool – we trust and encourage our users to look under the hood to understand the calculations performed on their data and develop in-house processes and IP. After all, it’s your data, shouldn’t you know what’s being done with it?

  • Fast, powerful, cost-effective: By bringing all your detailed operations analytics in one place, Sift makes it easy for your technical talent to work faster and smarter, providing efficiency benefits to the bottom-line.

Rich Exploration, Integrations and Extensibility

  • Open data exploration environment to promote ingenuity and discovery.

  • Built to support all aspects of renewable asset performance analysis workflow.

  • Built-in automated anomaly detection algorithms.

  • Hugely flexible graphical interface, with superfast data access and visualisations.

  • Create report-ready imagery in your own colour scheme.

  • Unique and highly flexible data filtering capabilities.

  • Plug-and-play desktop application.

  • The power of Python, but with an accessible and domain specific graphical front end.

  • Export all your results to Excel / CSV.

  • Import directly from MSSQL, MySQL, CSV.

Wind Turbine in sunset.jpeg

To deliver a big contract involving a lot of analysis work where our existing processes couldn’t scale to meet the demand, we brought on Sift – it worked really smoothly and we delivered the contract on time and in budget to a very high technical standard



What’s in the box?

  • Simple desktop application installation.

  • Individual machine or team licenses.

  • Regular updates for subscribers.

  • Bespoke on-site training available.

  • Support agreements available.

  • Transparent feature road-map guided by subscriber requests.


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Enter your details below to get a free trial of Sift lasting 30 days. We will email you a link to download the latest and greatest version of Sift.


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