Automate more with Sift V1.7


With this version we continue to make wind farm operational data analysis faster and more effective, and provide yet more tools for automation to boost your working efficiency. There is a whole slew of tweaks, fixes, and several new major features.


Integrated ReAnalysis data downloader


Direct download of MERRA2 and ERA5 data into your Sift project files. ReAnalysis data sets have revolutionised how we work with wind farm data, affecting everything from data validation to performance benchmarking, yield studies and resource forecasts, to load analysis and much more. Not only can you easily access the global MERRA2 and ERA5 hourly data directly from Sift, but you can also now plug ReAnalysis data download tasks into your analysis pipelines and ensure you always have access to the latest data for your project locations. Exceptional analysis power right at your fingertips. How will you make use of this?


Direct data download from Bazefield

We’ve introduced a direct data connection to the Bazefield data platform using their API: ideal for owners, operators and asset managers who want to dig into their data and really get to grips with performance, health and optimisation. And of course, data download can be automated in pipelines, helping you to automate all your bespoke in-depth analysis processes.


Bookmarks and Templates

You’re probably working on many projects and find yourself dipping in and out of Sift. With bookmarks it is easy to continue where you left, as well as storing visualisations of particular issues that you may want to return to. Do you have a favourite chart layout, or several favourites for different types of analysis? Store these as templates to quickly load up the most efficient analysis layout for you.  


Analysis configuration import/export

Share all your analysis processes between projects and with your colleagues. Build up a library of standard analysis processes and re-use these on new projects. All your analysis set-up effort can now be re-used again and again, greatly increasing your working efficiency. Did you develop a new analysis pipeline to identify yaw misalignment or predict a bearing failure? Now you can export everything from data flags, derived signals, KPIs and Binned maps, scripts, and pipelines, and easily import and re-use your analyses to maximise value for minimum effort.

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Interested in trying out all these new features and more? Sift trials are available here. Let’s delve deeper.

NewsStaffan Lindahl