Supercharge with Sift v 1.6

Bitbloom presents the newest version of our wind farm data analytics platform: Sift v 1.6.

As Sift matures, it continues to meet industry demand in its latest format. Sift 1.6 combines a host of new features, created to boost workflows for analysts, engineers, operators and managers. Sift 1.6 supercharges the efficient analysis of operating assets. Here’s how…


Sift 1.6 Pipelines allows analysts to visually construct robust and repeatable workflows, directly in Sift. An entire analysis setup can be created and run, as needed. Use it to:

  • Import new data and update KPIs with one click

  • Encapsulate and test complex workflows in nested pipelines

  • Clarify your analysis process in reports

Pipelines is also strongly integrated with Bitbloom’s Sift Monitor - for automated analysis and reporting.

Powercurve Performance Test pipeline built using the Pipelines feature, new in Sift 1.6

Powercurve Performance Test pipeline built using the Pipelines feature, new in Sift 1.6


Properties Import

Sift 1.6 Properties Import is a simple and intuitive interface for sharing project set-up properties and analysis processes. Properties Import allows common properties to be defined once, then used anywhere in your portfolio – further enhancing automation. Use it to:

  • Accelerate the creation of new projects, by sharing pre-set information

  • Build and use templates for common analyses

  • Ensure that turbine analyses are consistent across your portfolio

Other features

As you would expect, Sift 1.6 includes a range of performance improvements and bug fixes, designed to continually improve and streamline your Sift experience. With Sift 1.6, Bitbloom is also excited to introduce automated updates. Now we can offer you our new high-quality features, as soon as they become available.

What’s next?

Bitbloom is already hard at work on Sift 1.7, which will arrive soon. Meanwhile, please keep the conversation flowing. We love to hear from our users. Your feedback means we can maintain our foci on automating workflows for large portfolios, improving workflows for complex projects with varied assets, and tightening integration with Sift Monitor.

Watch this space…



Michael Tinning