Introducing Bitbloom


In this era of squeezed profit margins and abundance of data, Bitbloom has been formed to help wind power plant owners, operators, OEMs and consultants to turn bits to blossom.

Bitbloom brings together the technical consulting firm Lindahl and the software and simulation experts at Simmovation, with the aspiration to provide broader and better solutions that transform data to knowledge and help tackle the topics that really boost asset value.

Staffan Lindahl, founder of Lindahl and co-founder of Bitbloom commented: “Continuing to operate renewable energy plant profitably in a post-subsidy era will be challenging, and leveraging technical, commercial and organisational data will be a key component for achieving this. Dealing with large, disparate datasets require sophisticated software based on domain expertise.”

Philip Bradstock, co-founder of Bitbloom and Simmovation added: “Combining our software and turbine expertise with Lindahl extensive experience of operational analysis makes our new venture ideally placed to provide the holistic clean-tech solutions of tomorrow to the renewable energy industry”.

The team has a long track-record of delivering successful software systems and data driven analysis services to the wind industry with a combined tenure of some 35 years.

For Michael Tinning, co-founder of Bitbloom and Simmovation, the formation of Bitbloom brings exciting opportunities: “We’re already reaping the rewards of our closer collaboration with our ability to broaden our horizons and deliver the innovative software and services that the industry needs”.

Based in the UK, Bitbloom already serves customers on five continents and is open for business!