Digital excellence is not just about data – it’s about people


At Bitbloom, we have experienced and talented wind energy data analysts and engineers. We’re used to tackling hard data problems and developing innovative solutions that provide unique insights into wind farm operations. We have deep, hard-won technical knowledge and a track record of delivering value to our customers that any company would be proud of. We have highly capable in-house software platforms that reliably crunch data at scale from a multitude of sources.

But none of those are what put us ahead of the competition.

Bitbloom’s success in delivering value for our customers is driven by our understanding of how technical teams responsible for operating wind farms really work. That means understanding that these systems have people at their heart – each one with a unique set of skills and insight, whether that’s in data analytics, technical operations, logistics, turbine maintenance, or asset management. Each one of these people needs to be able to understand the insights surfaced by our Sift platform and take appropriate and necessary actions with confidence.

Here are five key features of our platform that ensure that your technical teams will succeed in delivering maximum value for your wind portfolio – all built around the people who make your operations great.

Understand your data with our “open box” approach

Your data is a core component of your operations, and there is no shortage of options when it comes to getting value from that data. What sets Bitbloom apart is the clarity of our insights. We believe that simply writing an algorithm to derive an insight from data is not enough; we believe in transparency at every step of the process. We call this the “open box” approach.

The need for the open box approach is made apparent when considering the role of the technical operator. This individual has many difficult decisions to make, and many of their actions will incur a cost – for example to send a person to a turbine for an inspection, replace a part or re-calibrate an instrument. To ensure they make the correct decision, they need not only the best data and the best insights – they need to be able to understand how the insights were derived.

Bitbloom strive for maximum openness when it comes to our insights, and the Sift platform provides technical analysts in any team with the building blocks they need to deliver the same insights with the same clarity.

Respond to changing business needs with Agile Analytics

The needs of wind farm operations are not static – they are constantly changing as the business environment changes, personnel changes and new ideas and insights are developed. So why should your analytics setup be stuck in the past?

Bitbloom’s customers love our ability to rapidly take on board new ideas and deliver them through. Our Sift platform allows their teams to get truly creative with new insights that a dynamic business environment necessitates – rapidly transitioning from idea to action.

Disseminate to stakeholders with visualisations

Once your team have put time, effort, and creativity into developing their cutting-edge insights, they need somewhere to display it. Enter our visualisations – an easy to use, dynamic hub filled with the latest insights generated by your analytics. Automated insights are kept up-to-date on the Sift platform, and the latest data served to everyone on the team who needs to know about them.

Screenshots showing how Sift Monitor enables your analytics team to easily share insight into wind farm operations

Teams can build their own custom pages, grouped by analysis type, and quickly tell the story behind their insights through rich charting components.

Stay on top of what needs your attention with Alerts

The amount of information contained within a wind portfolio can be truly overwhelming. There can often be so much happening that it is difficult to know where to focus your attention. Sift is here to help with a rich alert system. Customise thresholds on all your analyses to ensure that you’re notified whenever something happens that you need to deal with. Low data quality? High component temperature? Unexpected performance degradation? Sift will always let you know exactly what you need to deal with today.

Sift alerts keep your technical experts focused on exactly what needs to be done. How do we turn that into action? That’s where tasks come in.

Learn more about alerts by reading our blog post “How to find a needle in the analytics haystack”.

Collaborate on what needs to be done with Tasks

We built Sift’s task system because we understand that you need more than just data and insight at your fingertips to drive improvements in wind operations – data needs to be turned into action. Our system integrates actions with the insights that drive them – so the whole technical team has a central place to track, evidence, discuss, and resolve issues.

Collaborating with Sift Monitor tasks makes it easy to turn analytics insight into operational value

Task status can be viewed at-a-glance with a fully customizable summary view, giving you a quick impression of how the portfolio is doing and making review sessions a breeze.

Sift – the analytics platform that works for your people

Bitbloom have been helping drive our customers’ success through Sift for some time now, and we want to give the same power, flexibility, and dependability to your team. Contact us now to find out more or arrange a demo – we can’t wait to hear from you.

BlogMichael Tinning