Bitbloom Grows Software Team

As we come up on our first anniversary, it’s great to look around and see how our software team at Bitbloom growing.

Earlier in the year Noé joined our Mitikah, Mexico City office. Noé is a talented Python developer and has been working hard on our Sift software. Our upcoming 1.6 release will include some great features for automating analytics pipelines, including an innovative interface that puts the user at the center of the experience of building reliable, repeatable data analytics.

In August we were very excited to welcome Angelica, who joined us as a front-end specialist in Mexico City. She's been building beautiful web interfaces and data visualisations for a great new product that we'll be revealing very soon. Angelica has also been working with the software team to improve our DevOps capabilities so that we can deliver more exciting software, faster than ever before to our customers.

As we put the safety of our colleagues first, both Noé and Angelica are working from their home offices but we look forward to getting everyone in Bitbloom together in the future.

Providing great software to help solve some of the renewable industry’s most exciting engineering and data problems is core to Bitbloom’s strategy of working towards a greener future. Growing a team of talented software developers is key to delivering that strategy, and we’re very proud of the big steps that we’ve taken in the last few months.

Welcome to Bitbloom, Noé and Angelica!

NewsMichael Tinning