Increase renewable asset revenue
Portfolio Generation Improvement Software for Asset Managers
Keep on top of portfolio demands in the knowledge that all operating factors have been verified and issues instantly highlighted.

Our software allows users to implement new analytics to detect main bearing failure, torque-speed controller performance issues, and high component temperatures to reduce loads, perform preventative maintenance to increase component lifespan, and increase annual AEP.
Use our monitoring platform Sift Monitor to rapidly envisage and implement a detection algorithm across every similar turbine in your portfolio to avoid downtime and expensive equipment and installation costs.
We support Asset Managers by providing / enabling the following:
- A central place for the collection of information and evidence
- Manage tasks highlight priorities
- Rank opportunities by value and estimate cost of issues
- Automation to drive standardisation across portfolios
- Collaboration tools for tracking progress and holding people accountable
- Showing how insights have been formed
- Peace of mind that issues are promptly detected and clear action to be resolved
- Quickly get the basics covered so you can move on to try new initiatives
- Agility to cope with ever changing portfolio demands
- Streamline reporting process, including summary of value generated / costs avoided
- Easy to share value creation opportunities with stakeholders
Increasing revenue with Sift
Success Stories
Find out how Bitbloom’s clients are using the advanced Sift platform to empower teams and increase renewable energy generation on their portfolios.

Discover how our Sift platform can increase renewable energy generation on your portfolio
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