Power-up your analytics with Machine Learning

At Bitbloom, we believe that we shouldn’t wait for a future where machines can solve all of our problems - we believe we should make it happen.

It is from this belief that Sift Learn was born.

Sift Learn introduces an accessible platform to enable wind energy domain experts to leverage the power of machine learning for unprecedented insights.

Sift Learn is already powering insights in wind energy - explore our case studies to find out more.

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Smoothing the path to ML adoption

“I wish I could use more machine learning, but I don’t have the resources right now”

“Machine learning is really promising, but it’s too difficult to offer reliable insights for my business”

These are the kinds of comments we hear week-in, week-out.

Sift Learn addresses several practical barriers to machine learning adoption within organisations:

  • Allows domain experts with a large quantity of data to access advanced analytics capability through machine learning without needing specialist software skills to build their own data pipeline platform.

  • Provides a low-/no-code environment to leverage a rich set of ML tools, including high-quality ML algorithm implementations and cloud computing, while facilitating rapid experimentation and iteration.

  • Cuts down the time and cost for successful experiments to make it into production scenarios through integration with Sift Monitor, Bitbloom’s product for monitoring and dissemination of advanced analytics.


How does it work?

Sift Learn integrates closely with Bitbloom’s Sift analytics ecosystem. Sift is your data exploration and classic analytics tool; Sift Learn generates added insight with ML; and key results are pushed downstream to Sift Monitor for live monitoring, alerting and dissemination.

Flow chart describing how Sift Learn enables your people to produce much more insight from your data using Machine Learning

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