Sift Explore
A Market Leading renewable energy data analytics platform
Sift Explore is the software tool that makes complex renewable energy data analysis and visualisation accessible, and allows analysts to cut through to the insights that matter for them.

Make Perfect Sense of Your Data
Users are empowered to ask better questions to meet their organisation’s unique asset optimisation and revenue goals.
Sift Explore makes it easy for your technical talent to work faster and smarter, providing efficiency benefits to the bottom-line.
- Bolster your monthly reports with deep insight.
- Break the back of post-construction long-term yield analysis.
- Develop, test and verify failure prognostics methods.
- Inform optimisation strategies, verify corrective action.
- Quality assure your data; detect and diagnose operating issues.
- Track power curve, pitch and speed/torque control strategies.
- Verify nacelle anemometry inconsistencies.
- Create reference power curves, quantify energy losses.
- Perform power curve performance test calculations.
- Work with wind farm data and solar farm data in one platform.
- Work with analytics and pipelines which are fully auditable
- Do it all for your whole wind farm or solar farm. Do it for decades of data. And do it quickly.
Overview and FAQs
Open & Flexible
Sift Explore does not restrict you to rigid data pipelines or pre-built visualisations. Explore your data in your way.
Traditional tools have been rigid, but real-life demands flexibility and openness for sharing information effectively and efficiently.
Our solution rejects rigid, black-box analytics in favour of an agile and transparent platform. Starting with robust high-level intelligence, it offers the freedom to delve deeper, adapting to changing projects and circumstances seamlessly.
We empower users to understand their data by encouraging exploration and building organisational knowledge. Your stakeholders expect deep knowledge and understanding of your assets - with the Sift platform, you will unlock the value of your data.
Configure your desktop the way you want it - link visualisations, dive deep on problematic assets, understand relationships in new ways.
Build your own flexible rulesets using powerful automation to categorise data and codify best practice.
Built for speed of data exploration
Ready-to-go Analytics
Understand where your data is not up to scratch with powerful data quality filtering
Understand asset operation with rich data categorisation capabilities
Missing data? Re-build it with robust implementations of industry best-practices
Understand your performance with high performing, robust basic analytics
Quickly understand how your assets are performing
Understand your data infrastructure performance
Rich Python API to build advanced analytics and integrate with other platforms
Endless Integrations
Out-of-the-box integrations for Greenbyte, Rotorsoft, Bazefield and Nispera/Siemens Fluence - talk to us for more options.
Whether you manage your own data, import from a third-party or want to grok your latest data dump, we have the integration for you.
Integrate with your downstream tools in whatever way suits you best.
Our rich Python integration gives you access to any up- or down-stream data source you need to integrate with.
Reporting Your Way
Create report-ready imagery in your own colour scheme
Export all of your data from Sift Explore for use in downstream tools
Easy to Start, Ready for Excellence
Get started on your data immediately - no long on-boarding process, just import & analyse
Sift Explore's modular architecture makes it simple to start but incredibly powerful.
How Sift Explore helps our partners work with Wind Farm Data and Solar Farm Data
Sift Explore helps with strategic and day-to-day operations
What’s in the box
Technical specifications
Individual Pricing (Machine Licence)
£3465 *per seat per year
Team Pricing (Network Licence)
£3795 *per seat per year
*10% price reduction for each additional seat