Bristech Hosts "Data in the World of Wind Energy" Talk By Bitbloom Co-Founder

Last month Bitbloom were invited to talk at Bristech Bitesize.

Bristech is a monthly meetup held in Bristol, UK that brings together a wide spectrum of technologists to share ideas and gain knowledge about the latest happenings in the world of tech. Bitbloom co-founder Michael Tinning gave a talk entitled “Data in the World of Wind Energy” at Bristech Bitesize in September - a virtual “meetup” that takes place monthly while the regular, in-person Bristech sessions are on hold.

Along with the panel discussion that followed it proved to be a very informative evening for many in the audience. With movements still restricted and social distancing in-place, virtual meetups are vital in order to facilitate exchanges in ideas and knowledge. Bitbloom are proud to have taken part and are excited about the possibilities of virtual conferences to spread the word about all the exciting things that are happening in renewables.

NewsMichael Tinning